TypeScript vs JavaScript: Know The Difference

TypeScript vs JavaScript: Know The Difference image

Finding a team of skilled JavaScript developers is important to make your app idea come to life. JavaScript has been an essential part of web software for a long time, and it's known for being flexible and reliable. Whether you're new to web development or have worked on big projects, you've probably realized how important JavaScript is. However, As technology changes, new options that question the status quo appear. TypeScript is a strong competitor quickly gaining popularity as an improved form of JavaScript that offers more features and better scalability.

When Microsoft created TypeScript in 2012, it was made to handle the complexity of large-scale apps. It has since become a popular language among writers and has even been used by well-known frameworks like Angular. Even though JavaScript is still the most popular language for building websites, the rise of TypeScript makes you wonder if you should change your mind. This blog will closely examine the differences and links between TypeScript and JavaScript, as well as their pros and cons.

TypeScript vs JavaScript: The Real Differences

TypeScript and JavaScript are very similar. It is often called a superset of JavaScript. This means that all code written in JavaScript can also be written in TypeScript. TypeScript adds to JavaScript by adding new features, mainly static typing, which lets writers find mistakes during compilation instead of runtime.

TypeScript has type comments, making code more reliable, especially in significant projects. This is one of the key differences between the two. Bugs are less likely to happen because this feature makes managing and modifying code easier. Conversely, HTML is more static and rigid, which can be helpful for smaller projects or making quick prototypes.

Even though these things are different, TypeScript still builds to standard JavaScript, which means it can run anywhere JavaScript can, like in a browser or on a server with Node.js. JavaScript is still more popular because it is easy to use and has been around for a long time. However, TypeScript is becoming more popular, especially in business settings and among coders who want to give their code more structure.

Search trends over the past year show that TypeScript is becoming more popular. This is because writers like its extra features and functions more and more.

Why Was TypeScript Developed Despite Having JavaScript?

JavaScript was first released as a client-side coding language that could add interactivity to websites. However, as JavaScript became more popular, coders also started to use it for server-side writing. This change showed some problems. The freedom of JavaScript was great, but it made codebases hard to manage, especially for large-scale apps, because they often needed to be easier to understand and use.


One big problem was that JavaScript needed to be a fully object-oriented programming language. This made using strong programming models like tight typing, class-based inheritance, and others hard. Because of these problems, people wanted a language that could be as flexible as JavaScript but also have more organization and be able to handle big tasks.


This is why Microsoft made TypeScript: to solve these problems. It was made to be more advanced than JavaScript, meaning all JavaScript code is proper TypeScript code. TypeScript, on the other hand, adds classes, interfaces, and possible static types that make writing code more reliable and easier to manage. With these features, TypeScript was especially good for big, complicated projects where code maintainability and scale are essential.


TypeScript was created to fill the gap between the freedom of JavaScript and the needs of current, large-scale application development. It does this by offering a more stable, object-oriented experience while keeping JavaScript's benefits.

What’s TypeScript?

What’s TypeScript? banner

TypeScript is often the solution to the question, "what could be better than JavaScript?"


TypeScript is an object-oriented, open-source computer language that was made and managed by Microsoft. It builds on JavaScript by adding possible static typing. It's basically a superset of JavaScript, which means it has all the same features as JavaScript plus some extra ones. When TypeScript code is written, it turns into plain JavaScript. This means that it can be used anywhere JavaScript is supported, on both the client and server sides.


One great thing about TypeScript is that it lets writers write JavaScript code that is clear, short, and reliable. TypeScript makes it easier to code by allowing both dynamic and static typing. It also has inheritance, unions, classes, interfaces, and more features. It works with standard computer elements like functions, variables, lines, and modules.


TypeScript's ability to work with JavaScript tools and frameworks makes it even more helpful. This script works with ECMAScript standards, which means it can be used in Node.js or any browser that supports ECMAScript 3 or higher. TypeScript also has type description files, which are like C++ header files and let other programs use TypeScript's strictly written values.


Third-party TypeScript headers exist for Node.js core modules and tools that are widely used, such as jQuery, D3.js, and MongoDB. Because of this, developers can use the rich environment of JavaScript to make TypeScript apps.


The TypeScript translator is an excellent piece of technology. It takes TypeScript code and turns it into JavaScript. It is licensed under the Apache License 2.0. Adding static typing to JavaScript is its primary goal. This feature dramatically lowers the number of mistakes that happen in dynamic languages.


TypeScript can prevent common problems, like the famed "undefined is not a function" error. It also makes changing code easier and helps you navigate big, complicated codebases. Studies show that TypeScript can catch about 15% of all JavaScript mistakes, making the development environment more reliable.


Even though dynamic typing in JavaScript is flexible, it often causes mistakes that are hard to see and slows down work, especially on big projects. JavaScript can be bad for server-side code in extensive systems if it doesn't have types and error checks at build time. TypeScript fixes these problems, which makes it a useful tool for writers who want to write better and easier-to-manage code.

Why Do We Need to Use TypeScript?

TypeScript is becoming more and more popular among developers for a number of good reasons. TypeScript is easier to use than languages like CoffeeScript or PureScript because it adds directly to JavaScript. You don't have to learn all of these new ideas.


One great thing about TypeScript is that you don't have to use its type system. Types aren't required, but adding them can make code much more reliable by finding mistakes early in development. This makes it possible for writers to start with simple JavaScript files and gradually add TypeScript features as they get better at the language.


Any valid JavaScript file is also a valid TypeScript file. This means that JavaScript projects can be moved to TypeScript in stages. The TypeScript engine will still produce JavaScript code that works even if there are type errors. This way, projects can keep running smoothly while changes are made.


TypeScript gives writers a smooth learning curve and robust tools that help them write better and manage code over time.

Is TypeScript Suitable for Frontend or Backend?

You can use TypeScript for both frontend and server programming because it is a strictly written extension of JavaScript. As it is written in JavaScript, it can be used in any system that accepts JavaScript without problems.

Frontend Development

TypeScript works well in this area because JavaScript is the usual language for front-end programming. It adds type safety to JavaScript, which makes it easier to find mistakes quickly and keep up with big codebases. TypeScript works well with well-known front-end frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue. This lets developers make strong, scalable apps with better developer tools and more clear code.

Backend Development

TypeScript has more perks for server-side development than for front-end development. The extra features it offers, such as automatic type checking and object-oriented programming, make it useful for handling complicated, large-scale business projects. You can use TypeScript with backend tools like Node.js, which takes advantage of JavaScript's asynchronous features to give you a uniform language environment for both the frontend and the backend.

Types of TypeScript

For more expressive language and vital type checking than JavaScript, TypeScript adds several kinds. Let's take a quick look at some basic and advanced TypeScript types:

Basic Types

TypeScript includes several basic types that are foundational to its type system:

  • Number: Represents numeric values, similar to JavaScript's number type.
  • Array: Allows you to define arrays with elements of a specific type.
  • Tuple: A fixed-size array where each element can be of a different type.
  • Boolean: Represents true or false values.
  • String: Represents text data.

Advanced Types

Any & Unknown

  • Any: A type that can stand for any number, so that variable doesn't have to be checked for type. It helps when you need to know what kind of value it is.
  • Unknown: As a safer option, unknowns must be checked for type before actions can be taken. It's now stricter and safer than any other.


Represents the absence of a value. Often, the return type of method doesn't give back a value.


It shows a type that doesn't happen. Functions that give mistakes or have loops that never end return. This feature is handy when you think a function will only finish running occasionally.

Intersection & Union Types

  • Intersection Types: Let you mix different types into one. This type has all the features of the types that were joined.
  • Union Types: Let a variable hold more than one kind of value. The number can be any of several types because it is defined with the | function.

TypeScript is more organized and better to code with than JavaScript, partly due to these types. Reading through the TypeScript instructions is highly recommended to understand these types fully.

Features of TypeScript


The goal of TypeScript is to work well with JavaScript. Merging with current JavaScript codebases lets writers slowly start using its features. The TypeScript code is turned into regular JavaScript to run anywhere that supports JavaScript, like browsers and Node.js. Because of this, TypeScript can efficiently work with JavaScript tools and frameworks, so writers can use TypeScript's benefits without having to replace their old JavaScript infrastructure.

Static Typing

The static typing scheme is one of the most essential parts of TypeScript. With this method, developers can give variables, function arguments, and return values clear types. Static typing helps find types-related mistakes while the code is still being developed. This can stop errors from happening at runtime and improve the code. TypeScript's type system also allows more advanced features like interfaces, enums, and generics. These add more type safety and can be used to make code more reliable and easier to manage.

What Is JavaScript?

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JavaScript is a coding language used by many to create live and changing web pages. It works on the client side, which means it runs directly in a user's web browser. This lets users interact with and see changes in real-time without reloading the page.


JavaScript is used by 98.9% of all websites as of July 2024, showing its popularity in web creation. Along with HTML and CSS, it makes it easy to build and improve the user experience of websites and web apps.


JavaScript was first considered an extra programming language that could be used with other languages like Visual Basic. It could be better for writing extensive, complicated programs, but it's great for writing short, easy-to-handle code for web-based programs.

JavaScript offers several notable features:

  • Flexible and Dynamic: It adapts easily to different environments and can handle a variety of tasks.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: It operates consistently across different browsers and operating systems.
  • Supports Both Client-Side and Server-Side Programming: With technologies like Node.js, JavaScript extends its capabilities to server-side development as well.
  • Lightweight and Interpreted: JavaScript code is executed line by line, which keeps it efficient and easy to debug.
  • Universally Supported: All modern browsers support JavaScript, making it a reliable choice for web development.
  • Weakly Typed: It does not require explicit type definitions, allowing for greater flexibility in coding.
  • Just-In-Time (JIT) Compilation: Enhances performance by compiling code into machine language at runtime.

Difference Between TypeScript and JavaScript

Several key factors are involved when comparing TypeScript and JavaScript. Knowing these differences can help you choose the best language for your needs.

1) Learning Curve

TypeScript is an expanded version of JavaScript, which adds to the features of JavaScript. You need to know a lot about JavaScript and object-oriented computing to use TypeScript well. This extra level of complexity can make TypeScript harder for people who are just starting.


On the other hand, JavaScript is known for being easy to use and is a popular choice for people just starting to learn how to code. Many people use it with HTML and CSS to make web apps. Even though JavaScript is pretty simple to understand, it can take a lot of work to get good at its more complicated features.

2) Developer Community

TypeScript has become very popular quickly and has a lively community. Many lessons, tips, and other tools are available online to help this growth. Large businesses are increasingly using it, which has helped build a robust support system.


JavaScript has an extensive and well-established group because it has been around for a long time in the programming world. It might change more slowly than TypeScript, but it has many tools, frameworks, and best practices. You can use JavaScript well if you know how your development team is set up and what skills they have.

3) Performance

TypeScript was made to fix some of JavaScript's problems, especially when creating complicated apps. By adding static typing and more powerful tools, TypeScript can speed up development and cut down on runtime mistakes. However, TypeScript code needs to be turned into JavaScript before it can be run, which adds another processing step.


JavaScript works well for most apps, but it can have trouble with very big or complicated tasks because it is changeable. The features of TypeScript are meant to help with these problems by giving you a more organized way to do things.

4) Syntax

TypeScript adds some grammar tools that JavaScript doesn't have. This language is like Java or C# because it has strong typing, interfaces, and classes. TypeScript works with newer versions of ECMAScript and adds its features to them, making the code more transparent and easier to manage.


JavaScript follows the ECMAScript standard and has a flexible style that works with different types of programming, such as functional and imperative programming. Even though it doesn't have type-checking built-in like TypeScript, it's still very flexible and can be used for many different computer jobs.

5) Tools and Frameworks

TypeScript works well with many software tools and browsers because Microsoft backs it. This support includes better mistake-finding and code navigation tools, which can speed up development and reduce problems during gameplay.


On the other hand, frameworks and tools for JavaScript are very plentiful. Examples include React, Vue.js, and Angular. These tools give writers many choices, and many people use them for web development tasks. JavaScript is an open choice for many applications because many tools and writers can write.

How TypeScript Differ from JavaScript

When building websites, TypeScript and JavaScript are used for different purposes. TypeScript is a modern, statically typed extension of JavaScript that adds type comments and other advanced features that make code better and easier to manage. It has powerful tools, like interfaces and generics, that JavaScript doesn't have. JavaScript is the main language that runs on computers and websites. It is a dynamic scripting language. It's more adaptable, but it doesn't have the strong typing and structure that TypeScript does.


If a coder chooses between functional and object-oriented programming, it can change how they write code. Object-oriented programming is about putting data and action inside objects, while functional programming is about ensuring that functions are treated as first-class citizens and can't be changed. When you understand these principles, it's easier to choose the correct language and method for a project. For example, TypeScript's structure works better with object-oriented techniques than JavaScript's, which is more fluid but less organized.

Why Migrate Your Project to TypeScript

Moving your project to TypeScript has many benefits, especially for big and complicated codebases. TypeScript makes it easier to find errors because it finds possible problems during compilation instead of execution. This proactive error checking cuts down on bugs and generally improves the code. You can ensure your code is safe using TypeScript's static type system. This makes your code more predictable and more accessible to fix.


One of the best things about TypeScript is that it can work with current JavaScript codebases. You don't have to rewrite all your code to use TypeScript; you can add it to your project gradually. This smooth interface lets you make small changes that use TypeScript's features while keeping your current JavaScript code's usefulness. Adopting TypeScript makes code more reliable and speeds up the development process. This makes it a good investment for handling large projects.

Should I learn JavaScript or TypeScript

Choosing between JavaScript and TypeScript relies on what you want to do and how much you know about programming. JavaScript is the most popular language, and there are a lot of tools and a strong group of coders who use it. Its widespread use means a lot of help and learning information is available.


TypeScript, on the other hand, adds advanced features and static typing to JavaScript. If you know how to use JavaScript, switching to TypeScript should be easy since the two languages have similar syntax and runtime behaviour. Static typing in TypeScript can make code better and easier to manage, especially for big tasks. Both languages use the same processing methods, but TypeScript has extra tools to help with organization and check for errors while development occurs. TypeScript could be valuable to add to your list if you want more powerful tools and a better working experience.

HeadtoHead Comparison TypeScript vs JavaScript

Knowing what makes each language unique and its benefits is essential before deciding between TypeScript and JavaScript for a project. Here is a full review to help you pick the best one for your needs.

1. Language Fundamentals

JavaScript is the standard coding language for building websites. It runs directly in browsers and lets websites have interactive and user-generated content. This language is dynamic and weakly typed, meaning that variables can hold any data and types are checked as the program runs.


TypeScript, on the other hand, is a Microsoft-made extension to JavaScript that is statically typed. It adds extra features to the JavaScript language and lets you choose whether to use static types. TypeScript code is turned into JavaScript, which the browser or Node.js can run.

2. Type System

Finding runtime mistakes in JavaScript can be challenging because it uses dynamic typing. This is especially true for bigger codebases. Because of this, developers often have problems with type forcing and behavior that don't make sense.


TypeScript adds static typing, which lets writers set the kinds of variables, function arguments, and object traits. This type of information is checked when the code is compiled, which helps find mistakes early and makes the code more reliable. TypeScript's type system has advanced features like interfaces, enums, and generics that can make code easier to understand and keep up to date.

3. Development Experience

JavaScript lets you code in a less limited and more flexible way, which can be helpful for quick tests or small projects. However, since types aren't enforced, they can get more complicated to fix and change as the project grows.


TypeScript makes it easier to code by adding autocompletion, type inference, and better support for tools in editors and IDEs. These features make it easier to revise, more productive, and better documented through type comments.

4. Learning Curve

Many people know about and use JavaScript and many learning tools, and a big group of developers work with it. It might be easier for beginners to understand because it is changing, but things can be more difficult as projects get bigger.


To use TypeScript, you must learn more vocabulary and ideas than just JavaScript. For example, you need to know about type declarations and interfaces. This makes learning more difficult, but finding errors earlier and having a better code structure can compensate for the time spent learning.

5. Tooling and Ecosystem

A large community of tools and frameworks for JavaScript are all built to work with its changing nature. A lot of people use Webpack Babel and other tools and create systems to handle and improve their JavaScript projects.


TypeScript works perfectly with existing JavaScript tools and packages. It is also fully supported by many famous frameworks, such as Angular, React, and Vue.js. These frameworks use TypeScript's type system to give developers extra benefits.

6. Performance

Since JavaScript runs directly in the browser or Node.js environment, there is no processing step in between. This means that small projects can start up faster.


Before TypeScript code can be run, it must be "compiled," meaning it is turned into JavaScript. Modern build tools and gradual compilation techniques keep the effect on development speed to a minimum, even though this adds some extra work.

7. Community and Adoption

The community for JavaScript is huge and developed, with a lot of literature, groups, and help. It can be used for more than just building websites.


In the past few years, TypeScript has gotten a lot of attention, and more and more big applications and businesses are using it. The TypeScript community keeps growing, and more libraries and tools that work with TypeScript are being added to its environment.


Your choice between TypeScript and JavaScript relies on what your project needs. JavaScript is great for small projects or ones that need to be developed quickly because it is simple and flexible. TypeScript has better type safety and development tools, making it an excellent choice for large-scale apps that must be easy to manage and quickly find errors. Considering your project's size, difficulty, and needs can help you choose the language that fits your development goals best.

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