Gitlab vs Github: Which is the Best in 2024?

Gitlab vs Github: Which is the Best in 2024? image

Code control is very important in the world of software development, where things change quickly. Gitlab vs Github, two of the most popular sites for this, have become must-haves for programmers all over the world. This blog is meant to help you understand how these two famous sites are alike and different. We'll look at what makes them different, compare their pros and cons, and get into how they set their prices. Looking at how each platform works in different situations and learning about the things you should think about when picking between them will help you make a better choice.

It has 56 million users, which is a lot. GitLab, on the other hand, has over 31 million users and has become popular, especially among Java coders. Both systems are important for working together to make apps, so it's important to figure out which one your team needs the most. This blog will help you understand the differences between Gitlab vs Github for 2024, whether you're interested in release, code control, or tracking.

Introduction of Git and Cloud-based Git Repositories

Before you start using GitHub or GitLab, you need to know about Git, which is the distributed version control system (VCS) that both of them are based on. If you're new to Git, taking the time to learn how it works will help you as you build software. If you already know what GitHub and GitLab are, you can now look into how they can improve your process.


Picking between Gitlab vs Github can be hard because they have a lot in common and also have their strengths. However, the first thing you should do is figure out if your project needs a VCS. For effective source code management, team communication, and precise change monitoring, Git is essential.


Using Git and cloud-based files will speed up your development process and make sure that everyone on your team has the most up-to-date code. This makes it easier for people to work together and also makes your projects more reliable, strong, and cost-effective. Are you ready to learn more about how these tools can change the way you do development? Let's get started.

What is Git?

Git is an open-source version control system that has changed the way that small and big software developers work together on tasks. Linus Torvalds made Git in 2005 to keep track of the progress of the Linux kernel. It quickly became a tool that all workers around the world could not live without. Git is better than standard version control systems (VCS) like Apache Subversion or Concurrent Versions System (CVS) because it can handle multiple branch versions of a software project at the same time. This gives devs the freedom to try new things, add new features, or fix bugs without affecting the main software.


One great thing about Git is that it can take snapshots. Git saves the whole script every time a change is made. This way, coders can quickly go back to older versions if they need to. This function keeps high standards for code quality and makes it better. Distributed version control is another feature of Git that lets teams work together without having to rely on a single server. Git is also great for businesses that want to handle things themselves because developers can run their own servers.


If you want even more features, you can connect Git to cloud-based libraries like GitHub or GitLab. Contemporary software development teams benefit from these systems' limitless storage, project management, problem tracking, and DevOps integration. Working directly or in the cloud, Git is still a powerful tool that makes it easier to work together and makes sure projects are successful.

GitLab vs GitHub: The Basics

In February 2008, Chris Wanstrath, Scott Chacon, Tom Preston-Werner, and P.J. Hyett created GitHub using Ruby on Rails (RoR). GitHub quickly became the best place to keep open-source code repositories because it was one of the first to do so. Because it got into the market early, it was able to take advantage of the growing need for joint development tools. This made it the first choice for developers all over the world.


Later, in 2011, two Ukrainian developers named Valery Sizov and Dmitriy Zaporozhets started GitLab, which was somewhat different from the others. GitLab presented a new viewpoint on code repository services and project collaboration tools, whereas GitHub had already established itself as a leader. GitLab was able to find its own niche by marketing itself to teams that wanted an all-in-one tool that made the whole development process easier, from planning to deploying.

What is GitLab vs GitHub?

The argument between GitLab and GitHub has become very important in the community of software developers because they both have different ways of managing code files. GitLab and GitHub are both well-known as top web-based Git file hosting services, but developers and IT teams have often compared them because of the differences between them.


GitLab is known as an all-in-one DevOps tool because it does more than handle Git repositories. It combines complete project management tools, CI/CD pipelines, issue tracking, and more into a single platform. This makes it a strong option for teams that want to streamline the whole development process.


GitHub, on the other hand, has long been associated with storing code and working together on it, making it the best tool for open-source projects. It has evolved, nevertheless, with the addition of tools for project management and CI/CD procedures. This facilitates teamwork on coding and helps bigger projects fulfill their deadlines.


Since these two systems are close but still different, you need to compare them to find the one that fits your growth goals better.

What is GitLab?

What is GitLab? banner

GitLab is a full-featured DevOps tool that makes it easier for businesses and programmers to handle the whole process of making software. GitLab isn't like other code stores because it does more than keep track of changes. It comes with a set of tools for managing projects, keeping them safe, keeping track of things, and doing continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD). There is only one app with all of these tools.


GitLab started in 2011 and quickly became well-known because it is free and easy to use. Developers can store their code on their computers or use GitLab's service, which is stored in the cloud. People who work with Java like GitLab because it works well with other tools and has strong CI/CD features. It now has over 31 million users.


GitLab is liked by many because it streamlines tasks and helps people work together better. It also speeds up program changes and makes them better. GitLab has become the tool of choice for teams that want a powerful, all-in-one DevOps solution. It does this by automatically testing, tracking bugs, and reviewing code all in one package.

Who Created GitLab?

GitLab was born out of the shared vision of Dmitriy Zaporozhets and Valery Sizov, two developers who recognized the limitations of existing Git repository management tools. They were fed up with how slow and hard to use these tools were, so they set out to make a solution that was not only easier to use but also scalable and open to workers of all levels. The first version of GitLab came out in 2011 after all of their hard work. GitLab is now an important tool for millions of developers, companies, and groups around the world. It started out as a small project that quickly caught on with developers.

Gitlab Features

  • Import repositories from Bitbucket or Google Code with ease.
  • Open-source platform with a community edition.
  • Effortlessly maintain repositories on a dedicated server.
  • Comprehensive tools for time tracking, group milestones, and issue tracking.
  • Robust user interface and advanced authentication features.
  • Enhanced branch protection and granular user permissions.

Advantages of GitLab

  • Open-source licensing ensures flexibility.
  • Self-hosting capabilities across all plans.
  • User-friendly package distribution services.
  • Comprehensive CI/CD lifecycle support.
  • Simplifies code maintenance.
  • Platform-wide governance and automated security.
  • Reduces toolchain sprawl and accelerates cycle times.

Disadvantages of GitLab

  • Interface performance can be slower compared to alternatives.
  • Incorporates continuous bug control within the software lifecycle.
  • Deficient in corporate software development.
  • Common issues can arise within repositories, requiring careful management.

What is GitHub?

What is GitHub? banner

GitHub is one of the most well-known places to host Git repositories, and millions of developers all over the world use it. When it started in 2008, GitHub quickly became the best place to manage and share code. By 2020, it had over 40 million users. At its core, GitHub lets developers make their projects public. This creates a community where anyone can look at code that has been shared widely. GitHub doesn't just work with public projects; it also works with secret files, which makes it safe to work on code. Instead of just storing code, GitHub has tools for creating documents, tracking issues, and wikis. Which makes it a complete platform for handling every part of a software project.

Who Created GitHub?

In 2008, Tom Preston-Werner, Chris Wanstrath, and PJ Hyett started GitHub. These three creative people wanted to make it easier for people to work together on and share code, noticing a hole in the tools that were already out there. They wanted to make a tool that was easy for anyone to use and had a lot of powerful features that people all over the world could use. When it first came out in April 2008, GitHub quickly became popular among developers because of its unique way of managing code.

Features of GitHub

  • Labels and Milestones: Organize and track project progress with specified labels and milestones.
  • Branch Comparison: Easily compare branches with a complete, side-by-side comparison view.
  • Website Hosting: Publish or host websites directly through GitHub.
  • Syntax Highlighting: Robust syntax highlighting for better code readability.
  • Third-Party Integrations: Seamlessly integrate third-party APIs for cloud hosting, bug tracking, and more.

Advantages of GitHub

  • Ease of Documentation Sharing: Facilitates the easy sharing of documentation within the project.
  • Open-Source Support: Strong structure for managing open-source codebases.
  • Advanced Search: Provides quick and advanced search functionalities within the repository framework.
  • Third-Party Integration: Allows for swift integration with third-party providers.
  • Version Control Support: Extensive support for SVN, HG, and TFS.
  • Flexible Pricing: Offers both paid and free services to cater to different needs.

Disadvantages of GitHub

  • API Development Limitations: Lacks efficient REST and RESTful API development capabilities.
  • Cost for Private Repositories: Choosing a private repository can be expensive.
  • Limited Development Functionalities: Does not offer a wide range of development features.
  • Not Fully Free: While it offers free services, many features require payment.
  • Space Constraints: There are limitations on storage space.

Difference Between GitHub and GitLab

GitHub and GitLab are two well-known names that often come up when people are looking for a code control tool. Both offer powerful version control and teamwork tools, but different developers will find that one fits their needs and tastes better.


GitHub, with its vast user base, is renowned for its user-friendly interface and strong integration with open-source projects. It's great at getting people in the community to work together, and it has a well-established web of third-party tools. With tools like GitHub Actions for CI/CD and GitHub Packages for package management, GitHub is mostly used for storing and controlling files.


GitLab, on the other hand, provides a comprehensive DevOps lifecycle tool that goes beyond version control. It has tools for planning, building, testing, deploying, and keeping an eye on everything all in one place. The best thing about GitLab is that it has built-in CI/CD and focuses on being a complete software development solution from start to finish.


Knowing the main differences between GitHub and GitLab can help you choose the best tool for your project, whether you need it for private files, open source contributions, or a full DevOps solution.

GitHub vs GitLab Pricing in

In 2024, both GitHub and GitLab will still be the best places to keep a Git file. They both have many tools that make managing code easier. However, the way they set their prices shows some important differences that might affect your choice.

GitHub Pricing:

  • Free Plan: Public files, 500MB of storage, and the ability to work with an endless number of people.
  • Team Plan: This plan starts at $4 per person per month and gives each user 2GB of storage, secret files, and additional tools.
  • Enterprise Plan: Geared toward larger organizations, it starts at $21 per user per month and provides advanced security, compliance, and management features.
  • GitHub One Plan: This plan starts at $21 per user per month and is for businesses that need full company solutions for all of their GitHub accounts.

GitLab Pricing:

  • Free Plan: It comes with 10GB of storage and endless private files and peers.
  • Premium Plan: This plan costs $19 a month per person and has extra tools like code review, problem tracking, and CI/CD pipelines.
  • Ultimate Plan: This plan offers enterprise-level protection, compliance, and control tools and starts at $99 per person per month.

To sum up, GitHub's paid plans, which start at $4 per person per month, are usually more affordable. GitLab, on the other hand, starts at $19 per user per month, but its Ultimate Plan is where most of its advanced features can be found. Which one you choose may depend on what your project needs and which features are most important to you.

GitHub vs GitLab Which One to Choose

In 2024, the choice between GitHub and GitLab will depend on the goals and tastes of your project. GitHub is great for people working on or adding to open-source projects because it has a large open-source community and tools for working together. They also use it when they want to interact with the community.


However, GitLab provides limitless free private repositories and additional security features like required code reviews and fine-grained access restrictions for private projects. The platform's built-in CI/CD, project management, and issue tracking make it a good solution for teams who require extensive capabilities without third-party connections. GitLab also lets you keep your own files and data, which gives you more power over them. GitLab might be a better choice if you need to make changes and use advanced tools.

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