Flutter vs React Native: What Should You Choose?

Flutter vs React Native: What Should You Choose? image

There is a lot of competition between development platforms because mobile apps are being made at a rapid pace. Every day, thousands of new apps are added to the market for mobile apps. These new apps helped the market grow, as app sales increased by 9% in 2018, and users spent an amazing $100 billion on apps that same year. Even custom app development and cross-platform apps had a market worth of more than USD 7.5 billion in 2018.

So why are we going back to 2018? It's an important day in the world of flutter app development because Google released Flutter. This open-source, cross-platform development framework quickly became a strong competitor to well-known frameworks like Facebook's React Native, which came out three years earlier.

Flutter has 137K stars on GitHub, which is more than React Native's 102K stars. It has a huge following. But what really makes these two different? The main difference between them is the computer languages they use. Flutter uses Dart, which Google made, while React Native uses JavaScript and JSX with React.

Choosing between Flutter or React Native can be a daunting task, given the stiff competition between the two. This article will give you a thorough review of Flutter or React Native to help you choose which framework is best for your needs. Let's dive into the showdown.

Similarities Between React Native and Flutter

Before getting into the differences between React Native and Flutter, it's important to look at what makes both frameworks popular for building cross-platform mobile apps.

Open-Source Nature:

Open-source platforms are what both React Native and Flutter are. This means that anyone can use them for free, and creators can help make them better by sharing resources and working together to fix problems. Because it is open source, the environment is always changing, with regular changes and improvements.

Hot Reload Feature:

One great thing that both React Native and Flutter have in common is the ability to do "hot reload," also known as "live reload." This lets developers see right away what happens when they change the code without having to restart the whole app. This feature speeds up the development process by a lot, which makes it easier to fix bugs and make the app great.

Single Codebase for Multiple Platforms:

As the saying goes, "Write once, run anywhere." Both systems support this idea. Developers can make apps that work perfectly on both Android and iOS with just one set of code. The same code is used on various systems, which speeds up development and cuts down on the number of tests that need to be done.

Support for High-Profile Applications:

Some of the most famous apps in the world use React Native and Flutter, which shows how reliable they are. Flutter is used to make apps like the Google Ads app, the Hamilton Broadway Musical app, and Alibaba's Xianyu. On the other hand, React Native has been very helpful in making apps like Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest.

Comparative Analysis: React Native vs. Flutter

After talking about the things that are alike, let's talk about the things that are different that might make a writer choose between React Native and Flutter.

1. Ease of Learning

1. Ease of Learning banner

In terms of how easy it is to learn, React Native is slightly better. This is mostly because it uses JavaScript, which has been around for a long time and is used by many programmers. Because JavaScript is used so much in web development, it's a reasonable choice for people who want to use React Native to move into mobile development.


Flutter, on the other hand, uses Dart, a language that Google made. Dart is fairly new so that it might have a higher learning curve. However, it has a few distinct advantages that make Flutter more useful.

2. Community Support

2. Community Support banner

Being released earlier, React Native has a more settled group. This makes it easy for developers to find tools, guides, and groups that can help them fix problems. Even though Flutter is younger, it is quickly becoming popular. More and more people in the community are supporting Flutter, which shows how popular it is becoming and how useful it could be in the future.

3. Performance

3. Performance banner

Performance is a very important thing to think about when making an app. Running mixed apps with React Native depends on JavaScript links, which can slow things down. Flutter, on the other hand, builds straight to native code, so these kinds of links are not needed. In many cases, this makes apps made with Flutter run faster and more efficiently.

4. Widgets vs. Third-Party Libraries

4. Widgets vs. Third-Party Libraries banner

One big difference is that one uses third-party tools while the other doesn't. Flutter comes with a lot of tools that are already built in. This means that developers don't have to rely on external libraries as much when making native-like interfaces. On the other hand, React Native often needs third-party tools to do the same things, which can slow down the development process.

5. Documentation Support

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Flutter has full and thorough instructions. This is helpful for developers who are new to the framework because the tools are better organized and have more information. There is literature for React Native as well, but it is more basic and doesn't always go into as much detail as Flutter's.

6. Additional Considerations

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  • Ease of Installation: Node Package Manager (NPM) can be used to install React Native, which makes the process pretty easy. Even though installing Flutter isn't too hard, there are a few extra steps that need to be taken.
  • Development Time: Flutter often speeds up development, especially when there are skilled Dart developers on the team because it supports a lot of widgets. Fast, but React Native can be slowed down by the fact that it needs native parts and JavaScript links to work.
  • CI/CD Support: Continuous development and delivery (CI/CD) support is great in Flutter, and the command-line interface makes these tasks easier. React Native, on the other hand, doesn't come with built-in instructions for setting up CI/CD, which could make the release process more difficult.

What Should Be Your Choice Flutter or React Native

When making cross-platform apps, Flutter and React Native are both good choices. However, each has its own perks that are best for different needs and project goals. To help you decide, here's a list:

Code Reusability

  • Flutter: Flutter is great at code reusability because it is built around widgets. What this implies for developers is that they can reuse a lot of code across devices. Both the development time and the consistency of the app's functionality are enhanced by this approach.
  • React Native: React Native also encourages code reuse, but it relies more on native components, which can cause differences between platforms. However, React Native gives you an open way to add native code when you need to.

UI Consistency

  • Flutter: One great thing about Flutter is that it can make the UI the same on both iOS and Android. This is possible because Flutter uses its own drawing engine to display everything, so it doesn't need any UI components that are special to a platform.
  • React Native: React Native uses native UI components, which means that the way it looks and works on different systems may be slightly different. This might need more tweaking to get the desired UI uniformity.

Shorter Time-to-Market

  • Flutter: Flutter often has a faster time-to-market because its creation method is more efficient. Flutter is a great choice for projects with short deadlines because it lets you make prototypes and production-ready apps quickly.
  • React Native: Even though React Native also lets you build things quickly, the need to connect native code for some features can make building things take longer, especially for bigger, more complicated projects.


  • Flutter: Flutter may be less expensive, especially for projects that need a single script and don't need to use many platform-specific features. The ability to keep up with a single codebase and the speed with which it can be built can lead to lower costs.
  • React Native: How much React Native costs varies a lot on how complicated the app is and how experienced the developers are. React Native can be very cheap for easy apps, but more complicated features may cost more.

Extended Reach

Flutter & React Native: Cross-platform distribution is a benefit of both platforms, as it lets you reach more people. Reach, on the other hand, will rest more on how the app is designed, how easy it is to use, and how well it works than on the framework choice.

When to Choose Flutter

  • Your app doesn’t require native functionality: Flutter is ideal when you don't need to integrate deeply with native APIs or hardware.
  • Budget constraints and tight deadlines: If you need to deliver a project quickly and affordably, Flutter’s rapid development cycle is advantageous.
  • Single codebase with multi-platform support: Flutter’s ability to maintain a single codebase across multiple platforms is a significant advantage.
  • High-performance UI: For applications that require smooth animations and high frame rates (60 FPS to 120 FPS), Flutter is well-suited.
  • Customizable UI with widgets: Flutter’s extensive library of customizable widgets enables the creation of unique, user-friendly interfaces.

When to Choose React Native

  • Scaling existing projects: If you already have a project that you want to scale with cross-platform capabilities, React Native’s integration with native code is beneficial.
  • No strict timeframe or budget: If you have the flexibility to invest more time and resources, React Native allows for deeper customization and native integration.
  • Simple and lightweight apps: For straightforward apps with minimal complexity, React Native is a solid choice.
  • Shared APIs: React Native is ideal if your project requires shared APIs out of the box, facilitating easier integration with existing systems.
  • Asynchronous build with appealing UI: For apps that need to handle asynchronous operations and have a polished, native-like UI, React Native offers the tools to achieve that.

The Future of Flutter and React Native

Two well-known frameworks for cross-platform mobile development, Flutter or React Native, have become important tools for programmers. When we think about the future, we see that both models will change a lot.


Flutter has gotten a lot of respect for how fast it works and how many widgets it comes with. One of its strengths is that it can make fully built apps for mobile, web, and PC from a single source. Flutter has a bright future because its community is growing and more people are using it. This is especially true as it keeps improving support for mobile and PC devices. Google is putting money into making Flutter the best framework for not only mobile but also other platforms. This points to a unified development method that could change the way apps are made.


With a big group and a lot of business use, React Native, which Facebook backs, continues to be the best. Its strength is that it uses JavaScript, which many programmers already know how to use. The next steps for React Native will probably include more interaction with native modules and speed improvements to make up for its present flaws. With the help of new designs like the JavaScript Interface (JSI), the system will work better and be more adaptable.


To sum up, both Flutter or React Native are set to grow, and they will continue to improve and change to meet the needs of businesses and workers as they change.

HeadtoHead Comparison Flutter vs React Native

Flutter and React Native are two of the most well-known tools for making apps that work on multiple platforms. Both have their own benefits, but they are also very different in ways that could make one better for your job than the other.


Flutter, which Dart drives, compiles to native ARM code, which means it works almost as well as native code. It also has smooth graphics and a lot of customization options thanks to its widget-based design. On the other hand, JavaScript is used by React Native to add native components. The bridge works well, especially after being optimized, but it can cause small delays, especially in complicated programs.

Development Experience:

The "hot reload" feature of Flutter lets developers make changes quickly, which speeds up their work. The large tool library makes sure that everything works the same on all systems. Hot restarting is also possible with React Native, and the framework has a big community with many third-party tools. However, it might need more native code to do some things, which could make the creation process more difficult.

Community and Ecosystem:

React Native has been around longer than most languages, so its group is bigger and more experienced. This means that third-party help is better and there are a lot of pre-built parts available. Even though Flutter is younger, it is growing quickly, has a community that is doing great, and is backed by Google.

How Arturion Can Help You with Flutter or React Native

Arturion is the best way to get professional help making Flutter and React Native apps. It's important to know how important cross-platform apps are in today's digital world, and Arturion's skilled developers are experts in both Flutter or React Native.


Google's Dart language powers Flutter, a powerful system for making fast, cross-platform apps. It lets users have a smooth experience and speeds up the growth process. Arturion has a team of Dart experts who can make your ideas come to life if you're thinking about using Flutter for your next project.


Instead, many people choose React Native, which uses JavaScript and WebView and is also great for cross-platform programming. It gives you options, but it can slow down apps sometimes. You can be sure that Arturion's knowledge with React Native will make sure that your app works well and is easy for users to use.


It would help if you chose between Flutter and React Native based on your goals and the people you want to reach. Arturion's team is ready to help you whether you're starting from scratch or making changes to a project that's already been started. Their track record shows that they can consistently offer applications that are easy to use and meet your needs. Get in touch with Arturion right away to begin the process of making an app.

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