Dedicated Development Team: When and Why You Should Hire One

Dedicated Development Team: When and Why You Should Hire One image

Choosing the right partnership model is very important in today's fast-paced digital world. Hiring a specialized development team has become a popular and effective way for businesses to get strong solutions and smooth teamwork. This plan works great for established businesses, but it also gives growing startups a huge boost they need to grow and come up with new ideas quickly.

Arturion, a worldwide development team that has been helping to turn big ideas into ready-for-the-market goods for seven years, is at the forefront of this trend. Our method is based on true dedication—we treat each client's product as if it were our own, whether we're creating cutting-edge apps for eCommerce or fintech solutions that end users love.

This piece will go over the main ideas behind the specialized development team approach and talk about its pros and cons. To give you a better idea of where it stands, we'll also compare it to other team models. Additionally, we will give you advice on when it is best to hire a dedicated development team and when other choices may be better for your needs. This guide will help you choose the best growth approach, whether you're a startup trying to shake up the market or a big company looking to come up with something new.

What Is Dedicated Team Model?

When someone outsources their work, they often work with a dedicated team model, where they work with a group of workers for a long time. The fixed price (FP) and time and material (T&M) models are similar to this one, but it has some benefits that make it stand out. When you hire dedicated development team, you get a group of professionals who were hand-picked to meet your business goals. They will work together on your project like an in-house team, which is similar to how dedicated teams work.


One of the best things about the specialized team approach is that it takes care of all the paperwork for the client. Dedicated team members are handled by the contract partner, who also takes care of HR, taxes, and social benefits. The client can focus on big-picture business issues while the development team works on detailed tasks that are specific to the project.


The specialized team plan basically gives you a professional team tailored to your project without the extra work that comes with having regular staff. This makes it a good choice for companies that want to use outside knowledge but still keep control and freedom over their development processes.

Who Is In A Dedicated Team?

A dedicated team is a tailored group of professionals assembled to meet specific business requirements for a project. The exact composition of this team can vary significantly depending on the nature and scope of the project. Here’s a breakdown of the key roles that might be included in a dedicated development team:

  • Front-End Engineers
  • Back-End Engineers
  • Full-Stack Engineers
  • Mobile Developers
  • UX/UI Designers
  • DevOps Engineers
  • Quality Assurance (QA) Specialists
  • Business Analysts
  • Product Managers
  • Project Managers

Dedicated Development Team vs. Fixed Price Model

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There is a big difference between a dedicated software development team and a set price plan, which is why people often confuse them.


In the fixed-price partnership approach, the client agrees to pay a set amount, no matter how many hours are worked or how complicated the job is. This method works best for short-term projects with clear goals and needs. It works well when there are clear dates, thorough instructions, and no changes to the project's path that are expected. It can also be used for Minimum Viable Product (MVP) development, where the goal is to make and test a basic version of the product quickly and on a tight budget.


The set price plan, on the other hand, has big problems. From the point of view of a partner, the biggest risk is paying too much. If you can't correctly predict time and scope, you might have to pay the agreed-upon amount even if the job turns out differently than planned or if the project's needs change during development. This inflexibility can cost a lot if problems come up out of the blue or if changes need to be made.


The dedicated development team approach, on the other hand, gives you more freedom. With this method, you hire a group of workers to work on your project alone so they can make changes and improvements all the time. It works especially well for long-term projects where needs may change over time or for projects that need to keep iterating and growing. The specialized team approach is better than the set price because it avoids problems like excess and stiffness. This makes the structure more flexible and responsive, so the project can grow and change as needed without having to pay extra.

Dedicated Team vs. Time & Material Model

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Businesses often compare the pros and cons of the Dedicated Team model and the Time & Material (T&M) model when deciding how to create their products. With the T&M approach, clients are only charged for the hours and work that were actually put into certain jobs. This model works especially well for projects where needs are changing, markets are new, or the fit between product and market needs to be clarified. It gives teams the freedom to change and adapt as new knowledge and problems come up. However, this freedom could have a downside: it could make it harder for the team to be consistent. If specialists aren't needed on a regular basis, they may be moved to other projects, which could cause problems with consistency and efficiency.


The Dedicated Team model, on the other hand, creates a unified group that works on just one project. This arrangement keeps the team's attention on the project's goals so that other tasks don't get in the way. Having the same team work on the project from start to finish can help everyone understand it better, which can lead to better communication and simpler processes. The specialized team becomes very familiar with the needs of the project, which could lead to better results.


In the end, the type of job and its needs will determine which of these models to use. Dynamic, experimental projects work best with T&M, while projects that need constant focus and deep expertise work best with specialized teams.

Signs That You Should Hire a Dedicated Development Team

The dedicated team model is particularly advantageous for complex, long-term projects with potential for expansion. Here are three key indicators that this model might be the right choice for your business:

1. Early-Stage Startups

Hiring a dedicated development team can be a smart move for early-stage startups that are ready to grow. This method quickly puts together a skilled team without having to go through the time-consuming and expensive hiring process for full-time workers. If you hire a specialized team to do development work, your in-house staff can focus on core business functions and strategy goals. This two-pronged method can speed up both product development and time-to-market, giving your company an edge in the early stages of its growth, which is very important.

2. Projects With Vague Requirements

Having a specialized team is very helpful when your project is still just an idea, and there needs to be a clear product-market fit. During the research stage of a project, when needs are still being spelled out, a lot of testing and talks with users may be needed. A committed team gives you the freedom and time to fully explore and improve your product idea without having to worry about going over budget. This plan makes sure that your project has a strong base before you start full-scale development. This lowers the chance of having to make expensive changes later on.

3. Long-Term Projects

When working on long-term, complicated projects that will change and grow over time, the committed team approach works best. Having a dedicated development team can be very important for startups that are past the pre-seed stage and want to grow quickly. This plan saves much money on hiring and firing people, gives you access to a global pool of professional workers, and makes it easy to grow the product quickly. By keeping the same team, you can be sure of stability and deep project knowledge, both of which are important for long-term projects to succeed.

Signs That You Should NOT Use Dedicated Team Model

1. Short and Middle-Term Projects:

You might not need to hire a dedicated development team for your project if it has a clear schedule and clear goals. If you have a short-term job with clear needs, a fixed-price plan might work better because the work is defined from the start. Also, middle-term businesses may do better with a Time & Material method, which lets them be more flexible with how they use resources as the project goes on.

2. Limited Time and Budget: 

A dedicated team may not be the most cost-effective choice when resources are limited, like when time or money is tight. In this case, choosing a fixed-price plan can help you know exactly how much the job will cost from the start, keeping you within your budget. Another reason is that a committed team model might be too much if the project doesn't need full-time support from experts like designers or project managers.

3. Fully Defined Project Scope: 

If the features and standards of your project are set in stone and can't be changed or improved upon, you may not need a specialized development team. You can choose between a fixed-price or a Time & Material plan when the project scope is clear and is not likely to change much. Because these models are adaptable to changing project needs, you can make changes to your resources and funds as needed.

How Much Does Hiring Dedicated Development Team Cost

When you think about how much it will cost to hire a dedicated development team, it's important to know how much money it can save you. According to Deloitte's 2020 Global Outsourcing Survey, 70% of those who answered said that cutting costs was their main reason for outsourcing. Opting for a dedicated development team aligns with this goal, offering tangible savings.


It's easy to understand how much a committed team costs. Each team member is paid by the hour, and you only pay for the hours they work. There are no extra fees for office space, tools, taxes, or utilities. This ease of use makes planning easier and makes sure that spending is clear.


Putting together a specialized software development team is also a quick and cheap way to get things done. Hiring a team that is already put together saves both time and money compared to going through HR to find individual professionals. Businesses can quickly hire skilled workers without having to go through a long hiring process, allowing them to focus their resources on their main goals. Finally, investing in a specialized development team is a strong way to save money and get access to top talent.


A dedicated team is the best choice for projects with many unclear requirements, like those done by fledgling startups or growing tech companies. This method ensures that the professionals working on the project are focused, dedicated, and on board with its long-term goals. Businesses can get the most out of their money and the knowledge of experts who can help them with their unique needs by choosing a committed relationship.


Finally, the choice of whether to hire a dedicated development team depends on the specific needs and goals of each business. If you are still trying to figure out the best way to work together, please contact us. Our team has experience looking at all of your needs and suggesting a way to go about it that fits perfectly with your goals. With our help, you can easily get through the complicated process of project development, making sure that the way to success is both quick and fits the needs of your organization.

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We look forward to collaborating with you!