8 Best Python GUI Frameworks

8 Best Python GUI Frameworks image

One great thing about Python is how easy it is to learn. Python is known as one of the easiest programming languages to learn because it is so easy to use. It's easy for beginners to use, but that doesn't mean it can't do great things; both new and experienced coders can use it.

As soon as you start using Python, you'll see how easy it is to make text-based programs. One famous program that says "Hello, World!" can be made with just two lines of code:

Python code:

# This program prints Hello, world!
print('Hello, world!')

When this code is run, a happy "Hello, world!" message appears. Python makes it possible to make more complex text-based apps, though this one is pretty simple. Text-based interfaces may not always be the best choice, though, especially for people who prefer graphics interfaces.

Python makes it possible to make GUI apps, which is great. You can turn to the simple "Hello, World!" into a graphical one by using tools like tkinter:

python code:

# Python tkinter hello world program
from tkinter import *  
root = Tk()
a = Label(root, text ="Hello World")

This snippet highlights Tkinter, a Python tool for making user interfaces and full-featured GUI programs. Because Python is so popular, it's easy to find a skilled programming company that can help you make polished GUI apps.

What factors influence choosing the best Python GUI framework?

Choosing the right Python GUI framework is very important for development to go well. Each framework is meant to work with a certain set of operating systems or other frameworks in order to be fully functional. Others are only good at making certain kinds of interfaces or working with certain GUI features. So, picking the right structure makes sure that your project will work well, be compatible, and be efficient. Luckily, there are a lot of frameworks out there. Many of them support cross-platform development and can handle a wide range of GUI needs. Finding the right platform can speed up the development process and make sure that your app meets all the requirements. Let's look at some of the best frameworks out there to help you choose the right one for your needs.

Key Factors to Consider in Choosing a Python GUI Framework

When choosing a Python GUI framework, consider several key factors to ensure it meets your needs:

  • Operating System Compatibility: If your app is meant to run on a certain OS or more than one, make sure the framework works with those OSs.
  • GUI Requirements: Make sure the system can handle the buttons, drop-down menus, forms, and screens that are needed for the GUI.
  • Version Support for Python: Make sure the system works with the version of Python you're using, especially if you're still using Python 2.
  • Extension Compatibility: If your app uses OpenGL or GTK extensions, make sure the framework can handle them.
  • Community and Support: If you want better help and a system that will last, choose one that has a busy group of Python developers.

With these considerations in mind, you can select the best Python GUI framework for your project.

The 8 Top Python GUI Packages & Libraries

You can choose from a number of tools when making GUI apps in Python. But not all of them are the same. These eight Python GUI tools and packages have been checked out and should be on your list:

1. PyQt5: A Leading Python GUI Framework

1. PyQt5: A Leading Python GUI Framework banner

One of the most famous Python GUI systems currently is PyQt5. This framework, which is based on the powerful PyQt package, makes it easier to create apps that run on Android, iOS, Linux, macOS, and Windows.

PyQt5 is different because it works with both QtGUI and QtDesigner, which let you create visual parts of your apps using a drag-and-drop interface. Because PyQt5 is flexible, coders who like to code these parts by hand can do so.

Key Features and Product Highlights

  • Extensive Class Library: PyQt5 has more than 600 classes, which allows it to meet a wide range of development needs.
  • Qt Framework Compatibility: The Qt system works with both 4.x and 5.x versions.
  • Support for databases: This includes support for SQL databases.
  • Web development: makes it easier to make web apps by supporting web toolkits.
  • XML Processing: Comes with tools for processing XML.
  • Widget Library: This has a huge collection of widgets for all kinds of interface needs.
  • Event Handling: Managing GUI events is very customizable.
  • Platform APIs: It works with a lot of different native platform APIs to make it more useful.

Pros and Cons


  • Versatility: It is very flexible and can be used for many different things.
  • UI Components: Provides a wide range of UI components.
  • Community and Resources: It has many learning tools and is backed by a lively group.
  • Cross-Platform Support: With cross-platform support, it works with most PC and mobile running systems.


  • Learning Curve: It takes work to learn, especially for newcomers.
  • Documentation: There is a limited amount of Python-specific information for some classes.
  • Setting up: This needs to be set up separately from Python.

PyQt5 is a great choice for writers who want to make complex, cross-platform GUI apps because it is very flexible and has many features. Even though it takes a while to learn at first, the flexibility and community support it provides are very valuable.

2. Tkinter

2. Tkinter banner

Tkinter is the standard GUI library that comes with Python. This makes it very easy for people who want to make GUI apps without having to load any more tools. It's great for beginners because it's simple to use and has clear code.


Tkinter has many widgets, and each one can be changed in its way. It lets you make many things, like frames, buttons, check boxes, labels, file dialogs, and sketches. Because of this variety, both easy and fairly complicated uses can be made.


Since Tkinter is an open-source tool, it fits in well with Python's idea of keeping things simple and easy to read. Its code is easy to understand, so new writers will have no trouble learning it.

Key Features and Highlights

  • Zero Dependencies: You don't need to install anything else to use Tkinter because it comes with Python.
  • Portability: Programs made with Tkinter can run on almost any operating system without any changes.
  • Consistency Across systems: Python scripts that use Tkinter can be moved easily between systems.
  • Themeable: It's easy to change so that it fits different visual styles.

Pros and Cons


  • Easy to Learn and Use: It's great for beginners because the code is simple and easy to understand.
  • Flexible: It can be used for a variety of tasks, from the simplest to the most complicated.
  • Stable: Consistent speed and an API that doesn't change.
  • No Need for Installation: It comes with Python, so you don't have to do any extra setup.
  • Friendly syntax: It fits well with Python's design ideas.


  • Limited Features: Because it only has a few features, it works best for simple apps.
  • No More Complex Widgets: It doesn't have the more complex widgets that you can find in other apps.
  • Old-School Look: GUIs made with Tkinter often have an old-fashioned look.
  • Performance: Because it uses layers, it is slower than other tools.


Tkinter is a strong but easy-to-use tool for making GUI apps in Python, especially for people who are just starting. It is often used to make simple graphical user interfaces because it is simple, portable, and easy to use.

3. PyGUI: A Lightweight GUI Framework for Python

3. PyGUI: A Lightweight GUI Framework for Python banner

While PyGUI is a simple Python GUI tool, it is meant to make creating graphical user interfaces easy. Unlike some other frameworks, PyGUI needs to be loaded separately using the pip launcher. Even so, because it's small and light, it's easy to add to your Python programs; all you need is a small amount of code to connect to the server platform.


While PyGUI works with Linux, macOS, UNIX, and Windows, it doesn't work with mobile systems. You can use it to make simple but useful GUIs with things like menus, buttons, and radio buttons.

Key Features:

  • Integrated Setup: It comes as a complete package, so you don't need to run anything else to make Python GUI apps.
  • Compatibility: It works perfectly with Python's built-in data types.
  • Efficiency: It makes GUI programs that are small and light.
  • Python Versions: It works with both Python 2. x and Python 3. x.

Pros and Cons


  • Python-based writing: The documentation is all written in Python, which can be useful for writers who work with Python.
  • Open Source: Open Source means that it is free to use and change, giving you more freedom and information.


  • Separate Installation Required: Must be installed separately via pip, adding a step to the setup process.
  • Mobile Platform Limitations: It can only be used on desktop computers because it doesn't allow the development of mobile apps.

4. Kivy: A Modern Python GUI Framework

4. Kivy: A Modern Python GUI Framework banner

Kivy is a dynamic and current platform for creating Python user interfaces that look good and are easy to use. Thanks to OpenGL ES2, Kivy works on many systems, including Android, iOS, Linux, macOS, and Windows. Because it is so flexible, it's a great choice for creating apps with rich, responsive user interfaces.


With more than 20 built-in widgets, Kivy gives developers many tools for making apps that are easy for people to use. The framework supports multi-touch and other input methods like mouse, keyboard, and TUIO, so developers can create natural user interfaces (NUIs) that are fun to use and simple to learn. Kivy also comes with the Kv language, which makes it easier to create unique tools and change how the UI looks.

Key Features

  • Multi-Touch Support: A large group of apps that work best with multiple touches.
  • Kv Language: Enables the creation of custom widgets with a declarative syntax.
  • Support for Multiple Input Devices: It works with various input devices, such as touchscreens and regular keyboards.

Pros and Cons


  • Cross-Platform: You can write code once and use it on many devices.
  • Open Source: Open Source software is free to use and change, which encourages teamwork in the creation process.
  • Performance: The apps are quick and sensitive, making them good for games and real-time apps.


  • Non-Native Appearance: GUIs may not always look good with the look of the original platform.
  • Size of the Package: This can lead to fairly big program files.
  • Community Support: Community Support is not as strong as with some other frameworks, which can make it harder to fix problems and access resources.
  • Information: There may be a limited amount of information available, which makes it harder for new users to begin.

5. wxPython: A Comprehensive Python GUI Library

5. wxPython: A Comprehensive Python GUI Library banner

WxPython is a strong library for making Python-based GUI apps that look and work natively on many systems. This flexible platform makes it easy to make apps that run on Linux, macOS, UNIX, and Windows, and it does all of this while keeping its size small.

Key Features and Highlights:

  • Large Widget Collection: wxPython comes with many widgets, which give you many options and tools to create interfaces with many features.
  • Native Appearance: The framework makes sure that apps have a native look and feel on all supported operating systems, so you don't have to make many changes.
  • Flexibility: wxPython provides an adaptable setting for creating graphical user interfaces, allowing you to create apps that meet a wide range of user interface needs.
  • Active Community: wxPython has a big and active group that helps each other and shares information all the time.

Pros and Cons


  • Supports Multiple Versions of Python: wxPython works with both Python 2.7 and 3.x, which gives developers more options when they're working on projects.
  • Cross-Platform: One of its best features is that it lets you make apps that look and work the same on multiple operating systems.
  • Open Source: Because wxPython is open source, it is free to use and gets improvements from many developers.
  • Active Development: Regular changes and active development help the library improve and generate new ideas.


  • Installation: wxPython needs to be installed using pip, which may be an extra step for some consumers.
  • Stability in development: The framework is updated frequently, which means that bugs are sometimes introduced. This is because the Community is very active and developing frequently.

6. PySimpleGUI: Simplified Python GUI Development

6. PySimpleGUI: Simplified Python GUI Development banner

It is easy to use, which makes PySimpleGUI a great choice for people who are just starting with Python. Its design focuses on making it easy to use, so even people who have yet to do a lot of writing can quickly make GUI apps that work.

One thing that makes PySimpleGUI stand out is its flexibility. It is not limited to a single GUI system; it works on top of several tools, such as Qt, Tkinter, wxPython, and Remi. Because of this, coders can pick the framework they like best and still use PySimpleGUI's simple interface, which ensures that GUI elements are treated the same for all of these choices.

Key Features & Highlights:

  • Web Interface Support: The REMote Interface Library can be used with PySimpleGUI to make GUIs that can be seen in a web browser.
  • Consistent API: The names and duties of GUI parts stay the same no matter what framework is used, which speeds up development.

Pros and Cons


  • Open Source: It's free and is backed by a group of people who work on it together.
  • Cross-Platform: Compatible with a lot of different running systems.
  • Easy Learning Curve: Made to be simple and easy to use, perfect for beginners.
  • There are many resources: There is a lot of literature and lessons that make it easy to get started and get help.


  • Python 3 Only: It doesn't work with Python 2, which could be a problem for projects that need to use older versions of Python.
  • Needs Installation: This has to be installed with pip, which adds a step to the process.

Overall, PySimpleGUI is a good option for Python writers who want an easy way to make graphics apps, especially those who are new to programming or want a tool for quick development.

7. Libavg: A Powerful Choice for Mobile Python GUI Development

7. Libavg: A Powerful Choice for Mobile Python GUI Development banner

Libavg is one of the best Python GUI libraries, especially for making apps that run on touch-screen devices like smartphones and tablets. It uses hardware acceleration to give users smooth, fast experiences, and it was made with current mobile technology in mind.

Key Features:

  • Full Set of Widgets: Libavg has a large collection of widgets and functions that are specifically made for mobile apps.
  • Hardware Acceleration: Libavg is written in C++, which makes sure that it runs quickly and renders well.
  • Advanced Screen Layout Engine: The package comes with a powerful screen layout engine that can handle complicated movements and GPU effects.
  • Mobile-Specific Features: It's perfect for current mobile apps because it has features like built-in camera support, text alignment, and the ability to rotate, scale, blend modes, and crop.

Pros and Cons


  • Touch Screen Support: Works well with standard touch screen drivers and is easy to install.
  • Open Source: This is free and available for customization and extension.
  • Python Compatibility: Works with both Python 2.7 and Python 3.
  • Fits Python: It works with both Python 2.7 and Python 3.


  • Needs Installation: Installing it through pip may be too far for new users.

Libavg is one of the best frameworks for mobile Python apps, especially for coders who want to use touch-based interfaces and fast graphics effects.

8. PyForms: A Versatile Python GUI Framework

8. PyForms: A Versatile Python GUI Framework banner

PyForms is a dynamic Python tool meant to help different types of applications use Windows Forms' ease of use and power. Its three separate modules—PyForms-GUI, PyForms-Web, and PyForms-Terminal—let writers create live user interfaces for desktop, web, and terminal apps.

Key Features:

  • Minimalist API: PyForms makes UI development easier by giving writers a short API that lets them create user interfaces with only a few lines of code.
  • Modular Code Organization: The system encourages clean and manageable code by breaking down functions into separate modules.
  • Rapid Prototyping: PyForms's simplified method makes it easy to build and test UI ideas quickly.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: It works with many operating systems, such as Windows, Linux, and macOS, and switching between them requires few changes.

Pros and Cons


  • Open Source: PyForms is offered for free and is backed by a group of coders.
  • Cross-Platform: It works perfectly on all major running systems.
  • Easy Learning Curve: The system is made to be simple to use, so even newbies can get it.
  • Versatile Application Development: Able to make apps that work on desktops, the web, and terminals.


  • Needs Installation: Installs with pip, which may be an extra step for some people.
  • No Mobile Support: It doesn't give features for apps on mobile devices.
  • No Python 2. x Support: Exclusively supports Python 3.x.
  • Limited Data Handling: This feature might not work for programs that need to handle a lot of data.
  • Limitations of the Method Function: It doesn't let you call the method functions of objects in the interface.

Overall, PyForms is a great choice for coders who want to make interactive apps that run on a variety of devices because they are easy to use and flexible.


Picking the right Python GUI framework is very important for making graphics programs that work well and are easy for people to use. Each of the eight frameworks we talked about has its own set of features and perks that make it perfect for a different set of needs and projects. Your development team can use these tools to take advantage of Python's ease to make complex and visually appealing apps.

The system you choose must fit your project's goals and the platforms you want to use it on. Picking the wrong framework could cause many delays and problems, especially in fast-paced business settings where flexibility is key.

Following Python best practices is very important for making sure that application development, launch, and support go smoothly. Choosing the right platform and handling the development process well will help you avoid problems and make your GUI apps work as well as possible.

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