We make great digital products
for innovativeBrands

Empowering results-oriented systems through our professional software development services

When seeking software solutions, relying solely on prepackaged solutions may not always yield the best outcomes, as, like you, your business is unique too. At ARTURION, we respect the individuality of your business, understand the limitations that come with off-the-shelf software, and advocate for tailored, custom solutions crafted to fit your unique needs.

How We Can Help You

We at ARTURION custom software development company are experts at improving your online profile by crafting custom solutions just for you. Our main areas of expertise are custom software development, Web 3.0 advancements and making custom panels. We also do very thorough server upkeep to make sure everything runs smoothly. Because we know how important a good and efficient design is, we make sure that your product is not only cutting-edge but also scalable, manageable, and ready for the future. We're not just committed to development; we want your software and website to be an advantage for a long time.

We think that design quality is one of the most important parts of our values. We love simplifying processes into simple user interfaces. We carefully approach every project and use the Lean Methodology to ensure it is efficient and flexible. Because we want to build long-term relationships, we're different. We don't see your job as a one-time chance; instead, we see ourselves as an extension of your team. We are dedicated to your long-term success and will do everything. Also, we can make sure it happens, from creating the software itself to keeping your website and providing lifetime online help. Join us on a trip that will change the way you think about digital innovation.

How ItWorks?

From Vision to Reality. This section guides you through the exciting process of bringing your software ideas to life, from initial planning to post-launch maintenance.


How it works

The Planning

The Coding

The Software
Activation Process

The Designing

The Testing

Your Software

The Planning StageThe Planning Stage

The Planning Stage

Planning is what sets the stage for success. Through collaboration, we understand and write down whatever you want.

The Designing StageThe Designing Stage

The Designing Stage

From our hearts, we are designers. Our team initiates the framework and the programming of your software.

The Coding StageThe Coding Stage

The Coding Stage

Coding is a scary thing but a thrilling journey that we enjoy a lot. Now it's time to talk in coding words; we mean the language your web and software understand.

The Testing StageThe Testing Stage

The Testing Stage

Although it may seem like a pretty simple step, we think this is where we really differentiate ourselves. Our clients can now launch the application and test its functionality.

The Software Activation ProcessThe Software Activation Process

The Software Activation Process

If things go as planned, next it's time for the activation process. We check how smoothly it works for your business. This is when there might be a few errors and bug fixes, which we make sure to eradicate from the system.

Maintaining Your SoftwareMaintaining Your Software

Maintaining Your Software

Our work continues after you begin using the custom application. We just did not build this software for you, but we take the responsibility and work like an extension of your team.

Our TechnologyExpertise

Service Offered

Technologies Utilized

  • Frontend
  • React, Angular, Vue.js, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript
  • Custom
  • Python, Java, .NET, Ruby on Rails, Node.js
  • Custom
  • D3.js, Chart.js, Highcharts, Tableau
  • Web3
  • Ethereum, Solidity, Web3.js, Truffle
  • Website
  • WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Magento
  • Backend
  • Node.js, Express.js, Django, Flask, Ruby on Rails

Our Articles

Contributions to the latest software development trends, technologies, and best practices, providing businesses with valuable insights to stay ahead of the curve and drive growth.


Angular vs React: Which JS Framework to choose for Front-end Development?

Picking the right JavaScript platform for front-end development can be hard because there are so many to choose from. Developers choose Angular and React over all the other frameworks and libraries because they are the easiest to use. That being said, which one should you choose, Angular or React? It can be hard to make this choice because there are so many articles on the internet with different suggestions.

New methods and tools are always coming out in the web development field, which changes very quickly. Yet Angular and React regularly keep their top spots, which is preferred for their strength and community support. But the real question remains: should your choice be driven by project requirements or by the popularity of the framework?

This blog focuses on a full comparison of angular vs react, looking at their pros and cons in various situations. Let's talk about whether Angular or React is a better platform for your next front-end development job. Let's find out.

What is React?

React is a powerful front-end JavaScript library that lets developers build user interfaces using reusable UI components. One of its best features is server-side rendering, which makes it perfect for creating seamless user experiences and complex user interfaces. For developers who want to deliver a top-tier UI/UX, React front-end development services are highly recommended. React follows the "Learn Once, Write Anywhere" principle, which makes it a great choice for making fast, scalable apps. This way of thinking lets developers learn React once and use it across multiple platforms. 

Although it's mostly used with JavaScript, it also supports JSX, a syntax extension that makes coding easier. React was created and is maintained by Facebook, and it has a strong community of developers who help make it better all the time.

What does React have over Angular?

When compared to Angular, React offers several distinct advantages:

  • JSX Advantage: Code that is easier to understand and keep up to date is easier to manage when writers use JSX to write components that mix HTML and JavaScript.
  • Building Blocks Flexibility: React's component-based design gives developers a lot of freedom to make special components that meet unique needs.
  • Isomorphic JavaScript: Isomorphic JavaScript works with React. This means that the same code can run on both the client and server parts, which makes speed and SEO better.
  • Single Data Binding: The one-way data flow in React makes sure that changes to data are clear and easier to fix, which makes the application more stable overall.

Advantages of React JS

It's easy for developers and users to choose React JS because it has many front-end perks. Among its many benefits is the time it saves while troubleshooting thanks to its simple debugging method. Also, React encourages code reusability, which lets developers use parts of different projects more effectively. This makes React easy to learn, thanks to its simple and intuitive design.


Supporting both Android and iOS, React JS also makes it easy to move apps between platforms, making it useful for mobile development. Since React is view-oriented, it works on making changeable user interfaces. It supports both server-side and front-end development, so changes happen quickly. The React Native package also improves speed, especially for mobile apps, and provides a strong way to build for multiple platforms.

What is Angular?

Angular is a powerful open-source JavaScript front-end framework created by Google's Angular team. Angular is the most famous client-side framework. It works great with HTML, CSS, and TypeScript to make scalable, fast web and mobile apps. The latest version, Angular 13, is widely accepted for enterprise-level web development.


Angular is a complete rewrite of AngularJS (Angular 1.0), which came out in 2010. Angular uses the MVC (Model View Controller) design, which groups the code into sensible parts, improving efficiency and speeding up the initial loading time of web pages.

What Does Angular Have Over React?

  • MVC Model: The MVC design that Angular uses keeps the software well-organized by splitting issues and speeding up development.
  • Dependency Injection: The dependency injection method in Angular makes modules more flexible and easier to test by effectively handling dependencies.
  • Out-of-the-box Full Stack Framework: Instead of using extra packages, Angular offers a complete answer with a built-in set of tools for full-stack development.
  • Two-way Data Binding: Two-way data binding in Angular makes it easier for the model and the view to stay in sync, which makes it easier to handle changing content.
  • Amazing App Structure: Angular is a well-structured framework that encourages best practices and scaling. It's perfect for making big, complex apps.

Benefits of Angular

Angular offers a host of benefits that make it a powerful choice for front-end development. Here's why Angular stands out:

  • Clean Code Development & Dependency Injection: Dep dependency injection makes it easier to handle and test apps by encouraging code that is clean and easy to update.
  • Extensive Libraries: Angular has a lot of tools that help developers make strong, template-driven apps that can grow.
  • Unit Testing: Angular makes unit testing easier by letting developers add fake data to controls. This gives you the freedom to test each part separately and then put them all together without any problems to make a fully working app.
  • Single Routing Option: Angular has a simple route system that, when combined with its data-binding features, makes it easier to make UIs that are both responsive and dynamic.
  • HTML Extension with Directives: Angular adds directives to HTML syntax, which lets developers make reused components. This makes code more efficient and reusable.
  • Synchronized Data: Angular makes sure that the model, view, and component all have the same data, which makes building complicated apps easier.

An Overview: Angular vs React

The Angular vs React debate is ongoing, with both technologies being widely adopted by small to large enterprises. Statistics from BuiltWith show that about 11,908,579 websites use React, and 327,765 websites use Angular. This makes me wonder: Which one should you pick?


Google made Angular, which is a complete TypeScript-based framework with many features, such as dependency injection, two-way data binding, and MVC design. A lightweight JavaScript tool called React, on the other hand, was made by Facebook. Its main purpose is to build UI components using a virtual DOM and JSX code.


React is often used to make live user interfaces with data that changes quickly. This makes it perfect for making HTML parts that can be used again and again in front-end development. Angular, on the other hand, is great for making complex business apps like progressive web apps (PWAs) and single-page apps (SPAs).


Flutter vs React Native: What Should You Choose?

There is a lot of competition between development platforms because mobile apps are being made at a rapid pace. Every day, thousands of new apps are added to the market for mobile apps. These new apps helped the market grow, as app sales increased by 9% in 2018, and users spent an amazing $100 billion on apps that same year. Even custom app development and cross-platform apps had a market worth of more than USD 7.5 billion in 2018.

So why are we going back to 2018? It's an important day in the world of flutter app development because Google released Flutter. This open-source, cross-platform development framework quickly became a strong competitor to well-known frameworks like Facebook's React Native, which came out three years earlier.

Flutter has 137K stars on GitHub, which is more than React Native's 102K stars. It has a huge following. But what really makes these two different? The main difference between them is the computer languages they use. Flutter uses Dart, which Google made, while React Native uses JavaScript and JSX with React.

Choosing between Flutter or React Native can be a daunting task, given the stiff competition between the two. This article will give you a thorough review of Flutter or React Native to help you choose which framework is best for your needs. Let's dive into the showdown.

Similarities Between React Native and Flutter

Before getting into the differences between React Native and Flutter, it's important to look at what makes both frameworks popular for building cross-platform mobile apps.

Open-Source Nature:

Open-source platforms are what both React Native and Flutter are. This means that anyone can use them for free, and creators can help make them better by sharing resources and working together to fix problems. Because it is open source, the environment is always changing, with regular changes and improvements.

Hot Reload Feature:

One great thing that both React Native and Flutter have in common is the ability to do "hot reload," also known as "live reload." This lets developers see right away what happens when they change the code without having to restart the whole app. This feature speeds up the development process by a lot, which makes it easier to fix bugs and make the app great.

Single Codebase for Multiple Platforms:

As the saying goes, "Write once, run anywhere." Both systems support this idea. Developers can make apps that work perfectly on both Android and iOS with just one set of code. The same code is used on various systems, which speeds up development and cuts down on the number of tests that need to be done.

Support for High-Profile Applications:

Some of the most famous apps in the world use React Native and Flutter, which shows how reliable they are. Flutter is used to make apps like the Google Ads app, the Hamilton Broadway Musical app, and Alibaba's Xianyu. On the other hand, React Native has been very helpful in making apps like Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest.


Vue vs React: A Comparison of the Best JavaScript Frameworks!

When it comes to developing JavaScript web applications, Vue vs React stand out as two of the most popular and widely adopted technologies. But with both offering unique advantages, how do you choose the right one for your project? In this guide, we'll dive into the key differences between React and Vue, exploring their strengths and weaknesses to help you make an informed decision.

As professionals in the development industry, we often find ourselves navigating through a myriad of technologies, each with its own set of complexities. The rapid evolution of software applications has transformed them from simple tools into intricate systems that drive business innovation. For enterprise owners, the challenge is not only in assembling a talented development team but also in selecting the optimal tech stack that will turn ideas into successful products.

This is where we come in—to simplify the decision-making process for you.

In this article, we'll take a close look at Vue vs React, two leading JavaScript frameworks that you may find yourself deciding between. By comparing and contrasting their features, we'll guide you toward the right choice for your next project.

A Little Background Check on React vs Vue

In 2011, Facebook software engineer Jordan Walke released React. He made this open-source UI tool to run many of Facebook's products and services. That changed the way JavaScript was developed when React came out. It added the Virtual DOM and a new format called JavaScript XML (JSX), which let developers write HTML directly in JavaScript. This new feature set React apart from frameworks like Angular 1, Backbone.js, and jQuery, which helped it become widely used. ReactJS is now used to build more than 10.6 million live websites.

For example, Evan You, a former Google worker, made Vue by combining the best parts of Angular, Ember, and React into a single framework. By using a template system based on regular HTML, Vue takes a different method to handling similar problems. This makes it easy to add to projects that are already in progress. Vue now runs about 1.9 million live websites around the world, thanks to strong community-driven growth.

Why React and Vue are Climbing the Charts

For programmers all over the world, vue vs react are now the most popular JavaScript frameworks. The JetBrains DevEcosystem 2021 Survey says that these are the two platforms that devs use the most. Many people use both React and Vue, and that's not by chance. Both have a lot of useful tools for current web development. They are different in some ways, but they are also very similar in other important ways that make them essential for making dynamic, responsive, and efficient front-end experiences.

Virtual DOM (Document Object Model)

One of the most important things that both vue vs react have in common is that they use the Virtual DOM. The regular DOM updates the whole page every time something changes. The Virtual DOM, on the other hand, only updates the parts that have changed. This kind of targeted update saves time and resources, which makes web apps run much faster, especially ones that use the DOM a lot.

Component-Based Architecture

The fact that both React and Vue are built with components is another important thing they have in common. This modular method lets developers make parts that can be used again and again and are self-contained. These parts are also easy to change and add to other parts of an application. This simplifies the development process, and because code is reused, development rounds are shorter, and productivity is higher.

Build Tools

It is important to get your app up and running quickly, and both React and Vue do a great job of this with their powerful build tools. Developers can quickly and easily get their projects up and running in their preferred Integrated Development Environment (IDE) with vue-cli and create-react-app for Vue and create-react-app for React. The latest web development trends are always being added to these tools, so writers can make the most of the most up-to-date methods.

Chrome DevTools

Debugging is an important part of development, and Chrome DevTools does a great job of helping both vue vs react with this. With these ready-to-use plugins, developers can easily check and fix their apps by seeing what's going on with them and getting changes in real-time. Chrome DevTools make testing faster and easier, whether you're working with React or Vue. This makes it easier to find and fix problems.

Official Component Library

Both platforms have approved sets of parts for making mobile apps, which makes the process easier. Vue has vue-native-core, which is a shell around React Native's APIs. React has react-native. This lets developers use the technology they're most comfortable with, whether it's React or Vue, to make mobile apps that look like they were made for the phone.

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